
Eligibility for Pension Credit top up and Winter Fuel Payment

Could you be eligible for Pension Credit top up and Winter Fuel Payment?

Answer these 2 simple questions:

  1. Are you over state retirement age?
  2. Do you have a retirement income less than £218 a week, as an individual, or less than £332 a week as a couple?

Good news if you can answer ‘Yes’ to both questions:

  • You are likely to be eligible for a top up Pension Credit, payable in addition to your normal state pension
  • You will also qualify to receive the Winter Fuel Payment too, as this is no longer paid automatically to all pensioners from 2024, and instead is payable to people receiving the pension credit top up

Next Step – Apply for Pension Credit by phoning the freephone claim line: 0800 99 1234 or online at:

It is worth phoning and applying, even if you don’t think you’ll get much, as you’ll be able to get other money and help like the Winter Fuel Payment.

Steeple Morden Parish Council