
A second broadband infrastructure for the local villages

FOR INFORMATION ONLY – Historically, our telephone system across the village has been provided by BT/Openreach who have gradually upgraded it to support broadband. We can buy our broadband from a number of suppliers but all use this same underlying infrastructure. However, we lag far behind what is possible. Now, a new organisation, County Broadband, are looking to install a completely new system that offers fibre to the home and much higher connection speeds. The Parish Council welcomes such a development that will give people in the local villages the option of modern, fast communications. County Broadband plan to invest in this new infrastructure as long as they know there is some interest in the villages and so they are running information events to explain their plans. See County Broadband for further information. It is up to individuals to make up their own minds on this matter.

Steeple Morden Parish Council