For all Planning Applications in the area please visit the South Cambs Planning Portal where you can search for applications and review the most up to date documentation and status.
If you have any specific concern or comment to make then by all means contact Councillor Sean Travers-Healy
All planning applications are assessed against the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan which was adopted in September 2018. The South Cambridgeshire Local Plan sets out the planning policies and land allocations to guide the future development of the district up to 2031. It includes policies on a wide range of topics such as housing, employment, services and facilities, and the natural environment. In our village we have a Local plan that fed into the South Cambridgeshire plan, it shows the limits of development (dotted line) and conservation areas (purple line). Note that Odsey does not have a defined village envelope so from a planning perspective it is all in the countryside.
When the Parish Council consider a planning application there are guidelines we have to follow and these provide the basis upon which we can provide feedback to the County Planning team. At present the Material Planning Considerations are as follows:
Do comment on:
- Principle of development- for example loss of a valued service such as a church or shop.
- Adjoining properties will be overshadowed through loss of daylight or sunlight, overlooked or the scheme will be overbearing through the appearance, bulk or height.
- Effects on the area (for example density, layout, siting, design and external appearance of buildings and landscaping) are not in keeping with the surrounding area.
- The effects on a designated area or building. For example, Green Belt, Conservation Areas,
- Listed Building, Ancient Monuments, Sites of Special Scientific Interest.
- Loss of trees and hedges.
- There will be an increase in noise, smells or fumes generated by the proposal.
- Ensuring there is adequate car parking, cycle, refuse and storage facilities.
- New roads and access are safe for road users and pedestrians.
- Loss of protected species such as bats, badgers, owls, great crested newts and birds.
- Enjoyment of public rights of way.
- There is insufficient surface water, foul water drainage and flooding issues.
- Any advertisement would be too brightly lit or too large.
Do not comment on:
- The loss of a private view from your property.
- Boundary disputes between neighbours.
- Loss of trade from competing businesses.
- Loss of value to your property.
- Moral objections– for example to betting shops or amusement arcades.
- Personal circumstances – for example, a personal dislike of the developer.
- Photographs of your property, neighbours property, people or number plates.
- Matters controlled by other legislation – for example, structural issues covered by Building Regulations.
- Offensive statements that have a negative impact on a person’s reputation personally or within their trade, profession or business.
- Comments that discriminate on the grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.
- Anonymous comments.