More trees for Steeple – update
Since the More trees for Steeple project began in 2020 volunteers have planted and watered 110 new native trees in our village. These will help lock up carbon, provide a home for wildlife and look beautiful for our children in future.
This year South Cambs District Council gave permission for some small trees to be planted on their land in and around Russell Close. They will be planted in January and watered thanks to funding provided by the Parish Council. Thinking further ahead, a beech tree provided by the District Council will be planted on the recreation ground (between the existing walnut and sycamore) as an eventual successor when these mature trees come to end of their natural lives.
Suggestions are being made to County Highways for where trees might be planted in future around our Parish. They now plant two trees for every one they have to fell. In the near future they will need four planting sites to compensate for the two remaining mature whitebeams on Cheyney Street which sadly are to be felled. Follow the link below to show an interactive map of the possible location for new tree planting.
Nettie Traverse-Healy assists the Parish Council with tree-planting matters in a voluntary capacity. If you have some further ideas, please contact Nettie.